Herpes FAQ
Section 10: Pregnancy Resources

Following are some resources for pregnant women with herpes. As with any illness during pregnancy, or when trying to become pregnant, you should speak with your doctor. Unfortunately, many doctors don't have time to be "up" on all the latest information, and when it comes to STD's, many family doctors and OB/GYN's are still a little bit judgemental.

The following resources were chosen becaue they offer some good background information on dealing with herpes during pregnancy and chilbirth, and because the way they are written will likely help you to think up questions you want to ask your doctor.

If your doctor doeas not answer questions to your satisfaction, and/or you feel s/he is not taking your concerns seriously, CALL AROUND and find another doctor that WILL answer your questions.

As always, your best safeguard is yourself: Do some reading, find out what's going on, and you'll be better able to tell whether your doctor is "up" on the latest information, or is unfortunately still stuck back in the days before anti-viral treatments bacame available.

International Herpes Management Forum

"The International Herpes Management Forum (IHMF) was established to improve the awareness, understanding, counselling and management of infections caused by herpesviruses. Steered by the IHMF Board of seven international opinion leaders, the IHMF involves international opinion leaders in all aspects of medical management of herpesvirus infections including herpes simplex virus (e.g. genital herpes), varicella zoster virus and cytomegalovirus infections."

The IHMF Board consists of:

Specific links within the site:

Kinghorn, GR. "Limiting the spread of genital herpes." Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - supplementum 100:20-5, 1996.

Forsgren, Marianne and Gunilla Malm. "Herpes Simplex Virus and Pregnancy." Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - supplementum 100:4-19, 1996.

(Comment: This issue is also titled: Herpes Virus Infections: Proceedings of a meeting held in Stockholm, Sweden 11-12 May 1995.) A few notes on the articles:

Kinghorn's article includes information that health professionals should give to their patients; so this is a good article for patients who have been receiving fewer answers from their medical advisor than they would like. He discusses the fact that while bacterial STD's such as syphilis and gonorrhea (both curable) have become less common, viral STD's such as herpes and genital warts (both incurable) are becoming more common. There is also much clinical information, including speculation on vaccines which may be beyond the understanding of many lay readers, but the rest of the article contains information that they will find helpful.

Forsgren & Malm, as evidenced by the title of their article, have gathered and presented information about women dealing with herpes, specifically pregnant women. Genital herpes can be especially difficult for a pregnant woman because of the possibility of transmitting the virus during vaginal childbirth. The article is both factual and reassuring.)

Dignan, K and Turnheim, R. "Genital herpes." Professional Nurse. 11(12):801-2, 1996 Sept.

The article's conclusion: "Genital herpes can present major problems for women, mothers and babies. The herpes simplex virus is unpredictable in its recurrence and the lesions present in intimate parts of the body. Patients have to live with inaccurate and sensational media reporting and moral judgements about sexual behaviour. It is the responsibility of nurses to deal with these women sensitively and non-judgementally."

The entire article stresses the need to treat the psychological reaction, as well as the physical symptoms of the virus. The caring attitude, very respectful of women dealing with the virus, is especially refreshing; so many articles are written by doctors more interested in the sores themselves than in the people living with the virus.)

The following information is from the Viridae website, and is excerpted from a book entitled "The Truth About Herpes" (4th Ed.) written by Dr. Stephen L. Sacks.

Genital Herpes - A Brief Summary

Herpes and Pregnancy - Important Points

Herpes DOES NOT rule out your chance to have a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy, and give birth to a healthy baby.

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