
It was long past time for a major site remodel. There's a new look and a ton of outdated links were removed. Many will be coming back: history, gardening, food, books. For now the site contains links to SE Minnesota job hunting, general networking, and genealogy sites.


LinkedIn is useful for keeping employer information handy, collecting recommendations, and keeping in touch with colleagues. Their job suggestions are sometimes a bit off base.

I have heard good things about Indeed as a job search tool.

Side Income

Amazon Mechanical Turk is an easy way tomake a small side income, doing data entry, surveys, transcription, and assorted other tasks on your own timetable.


Many excellent sites exist with voluminous resources for the genealogist. Sometimes it's useful to have a smaller list focused on just the areas you need. Check the OnSite links to the right for the resources I use most often. Most of my in-progress work is on, but nopt open to the public. Too many things that are probable or that have been confirmed by others, but I have not yet seen the confirmations for myself.

Useful sources for ship's records and immigration:

A few sites that offer information about the lives (and deaths) of our ancestors: